Air pollution is a serious issue throughout the world, and as many as 9 out of 10 people breathe air that exceeds the World Health Organisation. Air pollution is made up of several compounds, toxins, and gasses and includes the burning of fossil fuels and natural pollutants like pollen and dust. Wearing a pollution mask is an important way to help you breathe clean air and protect your health.

Viruses and bacteria all pose significant risk to your health and to the health of those around you. Viruses and bacteria are microscopic organisms that can replicate inside cells of living hosts. They spread from person to person through contact with contaminated surfaces and in the air. Wearing a face mask with filter is the most effective way of preventing infection and spread.

Bushfire Smoke
Smoke caused by bushfires release Carbon Monoxide (CO) and particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) into the air. They have the potential to penetrate the lungs and enter the bloodstream, with the ability to impact almost every bodily system. A well designed, high filtration air mask should be worn to protect yourself from inhaling smoke which can bypass your lung's defensive system and enter your bloodstream.

Pollen and Allergies
More than 30% of the global population suffer from seasonal allergies.An allergy occurs when your body's immune system overreacts to the presence of a foreign substance in your body. When pollen enters your body, your immune system may identify the intruder as harmful and create defenses to expel the threat. Resulting in sneezing, running nose, or watery eyes.